Category: Uncategorized

  • Script to monitor DB Mirroring Status

    Note: This script can be executed on both Principal (Production) and Mirrored (DR) Instances SELECTDB_NAME(database_id) As DatabaseName,CASE WHEN mirroring_guid IS NOT NULL THEN ‘Mirroring is On’ ELSE ‘No mirror configured’ END AS IsMirrorOn,mirroring_state_desc,CASE WHEN mirroring_safety_level=1 THEN ‘High Performance’ WHEN mirroring_safety_level=2 THEN ‘High Safety’ ELSE NULL END AS MirrorSafety,mirroring_role_desc,mirroring_partner_instance AS MirrorServerFROM sys.database_mirroringGO Sample Output Read more

  • To Fix SQL Server orphan users

    exec sp_change_users_login ‘Update_One’,’loginname’,’username’ Read more

  • Monitor the SQL Server DB Backup

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  • Hello world!

    Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing! Read more